Foreword / 7 Michał Andrzejewski Religious Freedom in the Persian Gulf region – Constitutional Analysis / 9 Maria Jelda Doria, Martyna Wilmanowicz The right to trial within a reasonable time in the Italian Republic and the Republic of Poland – selected facets / 37 Marcin Dorochowicz Realization of the constitutional rule nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare in the US, British, French and Polish legal systems / 61 Mateusz Brzeziński, Wojciech Kiełbasiński Regulation of sport and physical culture in the constitutions of modern countries / 75 Patryk Kowalski Protection of Freedom of Expression in Election Campaigns Awarded by the United States Constitution and by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland / 99 Jan Majewski The Rule of Law and social legitimacy – a few remarks / 117 Maciej Serowaniec Constitutional guarantees of independence of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU Member States in the light of INTOSAI standards / 131 Magdalena Suska Die Stellung der staatlichen Kontrolle in der polnischen Rechtsordnung / 143 Cezary Węgliński On current issues in EU constitutionalism: transnational lists for the European elections as a possible solution to problems of the democratic deficit and legitimacy within the European Union / 167