Literatura obcojęzyczna

Gallimard Gallimard Le capitaine fracasse
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Gallimard Le capitaine fracasse

74,20 zł
Les comédiens resterent silencieux et dans l'attente... "Je plie mon titre de baron et le mets au fond de mon portemanteau, comme un vetement...
Wilga Wilga Cudaczek-wyśmiewaczek
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Wilga Cudaczek-wyśmiewaczek

9,07 zł
Czy zdarza się wam czasem grymasić przy jedzeniu, nabałaganić w pokoju albo pogniewać na kolegów? z pewnością. I na to właśnie czeka Cudaczek-Wyśmiewaczek...
GROVE ATLANTIC Grove atlantic Return of the caravels
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Grove atlantic Return of the caravels

63,73 zł
The Return of the Caravels is a powerful indictment of Portuguese colonialism and another literary tour de force from the pen of Antonio...
Mondadori Mondadori Diabolik. ciak si ruba
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Mondadori Diabolik. ciak si ruba

40,98 zł
Quattro episodi che vedono Diabolik muoversi in un set cinematografico. Ma è veramente lui o un attore che lo interpreta?
Mondadori Nella vita degli altri Mondadori
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Nella vita degli altri Mondadori

82,68 zł
Quanto c'è di noi nella vita di chi ci sta attorno? Quanto c'è degli altri nella nostra vita? Qual è la distanza che intercorre tra il modo...
Healthy Relationship Press Pun enchanted evenings Healthy relationship press
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Pun enchanted evenings Healthy relationship press

43,38 zł
* 746 wildly original puns on every subject from Arizona to zealous crusaders! * 14 ant puns certain to start a new fad! * Bi-lingual puns...
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Harpercollins publishers inc Starseed transmission
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Harpercollins publishers inc Starseed transmission

77,39 zł
Provides channelled spiritual guidance on the paradigm that seems to be approaching at the same time as the beginning of the third millennium...
Studio Astropsychologii Studio astropsychologii Proś a będzie ci dane
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Studio astropsychologii Proś a będzie ci dane

48,37 zł
Dzięki tej publikacji i zawartym w niej radom Autorki, odkryjesz drogę do wewnętrznego rozwoju i powiększenia swojego dobrobytu. Zgłębiając...
Penguin Books Anatomy of melancholy Penguin books
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Anatomy of melancholy Penguin books

115,69 zł
A new Penguin Classics edition of Burton's masterpiece - ostensibly a guidebook to melancholia or depression, in reality an all-encompassing...
Agora Agora Sztuka obsługi waginy
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Agora Sztuka obsługi waginy

34,00 zł
Ta książka to rozmowa seksuologa i psychoterapeuty z dziennikarką i psycholożką o tym, jak osiągnąć orgazm; jak podtrzymać pożądanie w związku;...
Helion Python w analizie danych. przetwarzanie danych za pomocą pakietów pandas i numpy oraz środowiska jupyter wyd. 3 Helion
Wprawny analityk danych potrafi z nich uzyskać wiedzę ułatwiającą podejmowanie adekwatnych decyzji. Od kilku lat można do tego używać innowacyjnych...
Penguin Books Shakespearean tragedy Penguin books
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Shakespearean tragedy Penguin books

60,83 zł
A.C. Bradley put Shakespeare on the map for generations of readers and students for whom the plays might not otherwise have become "real"...
Penguin Books Penguin books First men in the moon
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Penguin books First men in the moon

47,17 zł
When penniless businessman Mr Bedford retreats to the Kent coast to write a play, he meets aby chance the brilliant Dr Cavor, an absent-minded...
Feltrinelli Traveller Feltrinelli traveller José saramago - cecita
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Feltrinelli traveller José saramago - cecita

59,84 zł
In un tempo e un luogo non precisati, all'improvviso l'intera popolazione diventa cieca per un'inspiegabile epidemia. Chi è colpito da questo...
Ebury Publishing Who is michael ovitz? Ebury publishing
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Who is michael ovitz? Ebury publishing

79,09 zł
If you're going to read one book about Hollywood, this is the one. As co-founder of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Michael Ovitz earned...
HarperCollins Publishers Death comes to marlow Harpercollins publishers
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Death comes to marlow Harpercollins publishers

44,58 zł
It’s been an enjoyable and murder-free time for Judith, Suzie and Becks - AKA the Marlow Murder Club - and the most exciting thing on the...
Random House USA Inc Random house usa inc You're only old once
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Random house usa inc You're only old once

50,76 zł
If laughter is the best medicine, then "You're Only Old Once! "is a delightful new defense against aging. Anyone who has ever submitted...
Little, Brown Book Group Bride's story, vol. 3 Little, brown book group
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Bride's story, vol. 3 Little, brown book group

65,42 zł
Mr Smith leaves the Eihon family to continue his research in a distant town. There, he meets a young widow named Tarasu who offers to let...
Родина Родина Русские войны xx века
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Родина Русские войны xx века

74,00 zł
Анатолий Иванович Уткин (1944-2010) - крупнейший специалист в области новейшей истории. Его работы отличаются тщательностью проработки темы,...
The Crowood Press Ltd Performance Nutrition
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Performance Nutrition

87,66 zł
Provides an overview of how nutrition can be used to maximize human performance. This book shows how nutrition can be used to: reduce the...
Liberty Fund Inc Liberty fund inc Omnipotent government
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Liberty fund inc Omnipotent government

67,02 zł
Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was Mises's first book written and published after he arrived in the United...
Harper Collins Publishers David starkey - henry Harper collins publishers
Do sklepu Szczegóły

David starkey - henry Harper collins publishers

69,91 zł
Bestselling royal historian David Starkey's captivating biography is a radical re-evaluation of Henry VIII, the British monarchy's most...
Workman Publishing Workman publishing Stories of the saints
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Workman publishing Stories of the saints

106,32 zł
Performing Miracles. Facing Wild Lions. Confronting Demons. Transforming the World. From Augustine to Mother Teresa, officially canonized...
Orion Publishing Co Downward to the earth Orion publishing co
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Downward to the earth Orion publishing co

47,17 zł
One man must make a journey across a once colonised alien planet. Abandoned żeby man when it was discovered that the species there were...
Debolsillo Debolsillo Las personas del verbo
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Debolsillo Las personas del verbo

46,97 zł
La poesía reunida de Jaime Gil de Biedma en una edición conmemorativapor el veinticinco aniversario de su muerte.En 1975 Jaime Gil deBiedma...
Rizzoli Rizzoli Avventure di pinocchio
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Rizzoli Avventure di pinocchio

119,28 zł
La storia rocambolesca di Pinocchio, il burattino di legno combattuto tra il desiderio di obbedire a Geppetto, alla Fata turchina e a chi...
Mondadori Problema dei tre corpi Mondadori
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Problema dei tre corpi Mondadori

71,31 zł
Nella Cina della Rivoluzione culturale, un progetto militare segreto invia segnali nello spazio cercando di contattare intelligenze aliene....
PANINI COMICS Panini comics Bibm04 asombroso spiderman 1 1962-63
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Panini comics Bibm04 asombroso spiderman 1 1962-63

57,04 zł
El origen, las cuatro primeras entregas de The Amazing Spider-Man, el primer encuentro en solitario con La Antorcha Humana y el relato precursor...
Hodder & Stoughton The pucking wrong date Hodder & stoughton
Do sklepu Szczegóły

The pucking wrong date Hodder & stoughton

36,60 zł
One night of passion turns into lasting obsession in this dark hockey romance from the international and Amazon bestselling author, C.R....
The University of Chicago Press Architecture of matter The university of chicago press
One of three companion volumes that form an introduction to the central ideas of the modern natural sciences, this book is a source for...
Ediciones Cátedra Ediciones cátedra La ruta de don quijote
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Ediciones cátedra La ruta de don quijote

46,97 zł
Introducción. Texto y notas de «La ruta de don Quijote»
Arcturus Publishing H. g. wells collection Arcturus publishing
Do sklepu Szczegóły

H. g. wells collection Arcturus publishing

229,90 zł
H.G. Wells was a pioneer of the science fiction genre and a man of boundless imagination. Whether describing marvellous new technologies,...
Summit University Press,U.S Understanding Yourself
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Understanding Yourself

75,20 zł
This insightful work offers unique perspectives into ways to master the components of being: the ego, karma, and the Self beyond the self.
Shambhala Publications Inc Shambhala publications inc Wisdom of imperfection
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Shambhala publications inc Wisdom of imperfection

165,96 zł
If you have been practicing Buddhism for a while, why do you still have problems? And how do you balance the sometimes different needs of...
Panini Comics Panini comics Justice buster. batman
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Panini comics Justice buster. batman

37,59 zł
A Gotham City qualcuno sta complottando, coinvolgendo i peggiori e più letali criminali della città. Batman è deciso più che mai a scoprire...
Springer-Verlag New York Inc Understanding analysis Springer-verlag new york inc
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Understanding analysis Springer-verlag new york inc

193,49 zł
This lively introductory text exposes the student to the rewards of a rigorous study of functions of a real variable. In each chapter, informal...
Taylor & Francis Ltd Learning in the Museum
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Learning in the Museum

239,97 zł
As well as providing a theoretical basis to museum education, this volume serves as a practical guide for all museum professionals on how...
Lonely Planet Lonely planet Dubai & abu dhabi e11
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Lonely planet Dubai & abu dhabi e11

79,09 zł
Booket Booket Trilogia fuego 2. ciudades de ceniza
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Booket Trilogia fuego 2. ciudades de ceniza

46,97 zł
¡Enamórate de la obra más sorprendente la autora de Antes de diciembre!La continuación de la inolvidable trilogía Fuego.Una ciudad nueva....
АСТ Революция и социализм АСТ
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Революция и социализм АСТ

36,20 zł
В сборник вошли важнейшие труды В. И. Ленина: "Что такое "друзья народа" и как они воюют против социал-демократов? ", "Две тактики социал-демократии...
Manni Manni Alda merini, mia madre
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Manni Alda merini, mia madre

79,69 zł
Alda Merini è la poetessa più amata del Novecento italiano, perché ha saputo sublimare la sua dolorosa esperienza biografica in poesia pura....
WAB Kobieta, którą jestem Wab
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Kobieta, którą jestem Wab

54,85 zł
Pierwsza, wyczekiwana na całym świecie autobiografia Britney Spears. Kobieta, którą jestem to odważna i zdumiewająco poruszająca opowieść...
Zysk i S-ka Władca much wyd. 2023 Zysk i s-ka
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Władca much wyd. 2023 Zysk i s-ka

54,15 zł
Jedna z najsłynniejszych powieści o upadku kultury i cywilizacji, która weszła na stałe do kanonu najważniejszych dzieł XX wieku Grupa chłopców,...
Panini Comics Eden. Ultimate edition
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Eden. Ultimate edition

116,89 zł
L'umanità è prossima all’estinzione a causa di un virus. Gli effetti sulla popolazione e sugli equilibri sociali, economici, politici sono...
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Revolution from Within
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Revolution from Within

578,40 zł
An analysis of the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe. The exceptional case of Hungary is used to support theoretical concepts regarding...
Эксмо Большой сонник Миллера Эксмо
Перед вами знаменитый сонник Густава Хиндмана Миллера, американского психолога, жившего в конце XIX столетия. Это издание также дополнено...
Faber & Faber Debussy arabesque no 1 Faber & faber
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Debussy arabesque no 1 Faber & faber

36,90 zł
more than the score is a series of classic piano music, covering much of the essential repertoire from Bach through Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn,...
Encounter Books,USA Encounter books,usa In praise of prejudice
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Encounter books,usa In praise of prejudice

77,59 zł
The word prejudice has come to seem synonymous with bigotry; therefore the only way a person can establish freedom from bigotry is by claiming...
Emerald Publishing Limited Traffic Safety Culture
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Traffic Safety Culture

611,92 zł
This reference book provides traffic safety researchers and practitioners with an international and multi-disciplinary compendium of theoretical...
Novae Res Oswoić Hiszpanię Tom 2
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Oswoić Hiszpanię Tom 2

40,98 zł
Dover Publications Inc Story of king arthur and his knights Dover publications inc
In this enchanting version, the renowned American illustrator and storyteller Howard Pyle displays his unique talent for capturing and stimulating...
Bompiani Bompiani Gustav meyrink - golem
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Bompiani Gustav meyrink - golem

59,84 zł
Un uomo scambia il suo cappello, nel Duomo di Praga, con quello di un certo Athanasius Pernath, e rivive come in un sogno l’esistenza di...
Skrzat Moje pierwsze cyferki Skrzat
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Moje pierwsze cyferki Skrzat

4,88 zł
Ty to potrafisz!Pisz cyferki po śladzie, zgodnie ze wskazówkami, a potem samodzielnie. Policz rozbrykane zwierzątka i rozwiąż atrakcyjne...
Star Comics Inuyasha. wide edition Star comics
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Inuyasha. wide edition Star comics

51,46 zł
Kagome è una studentessa delle medie la cui famiglia gestisce un santuario shintoista. Il giorno del suo quindicesimo compleanno viene improvvisamente...
Oxford University Press Jane austen's letters Oxford university press
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Jane austen's letters Oxford university press

134,05 zł
Jane Austen's letters afford a unique insight into the daily life of the novelist: intimate and gossipy, observant and informative, they...
O'Brien Press Ltd O'brien press ltd House on hawthorn road
Do sklepu Szczegóły

O'brien press ltd House on hawthorn road

44,48 zł
Two children, from different centuries - Robbie, a trouble maker from the 1950's and Beth from modern day - time travel through the walls...
Agora Agora Dzik dzikus wyd. 2022
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Agora Dzik dzikus wyd. 2022

33,80 zł
Tuż za rogiem, w pobliskim lesie, dzieje się więcej niżeli myślicie. Pewnego dnia spokojne życie dzikich zwierząt z warszawskiego Lasu Kabackiego...
Cornell University Press Trilobites of new york Cornell university press
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Trilobites of new york Cornell university press

509,38 zł
This superbly illustrated book reviews the trilobite fossils found throughout New York State, including their biology, methods of taphonomy...
Papilon Moja wielka wyszukiwanka. pojazdy wyd. 2023 Papilon
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Moja wielka wyszukiwanka. pojazdy wyd. 2023 Papilon

43,28 zł
Dla tych, którzy kochają samochody i inne pojazdy.Dla tych, którzy cieszą się, wyszukując detalena barwnych, pełnych detali ilustracjach.11...
WORTH PUBL INC Basic complex analysis Worth publ inc
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Basic complex analysis Worth publ inc

1 095,08 zł
"Basic Complex Analysis" skillfully combines a clear exposition of core theory with a rich variety of applications. Designed for undergraduates...
Star Comics One piece. New edition
Do sklepu Szczegóły

One piece. New edition

29,22 zł
Tornano le avventure di Rufy e della sua ciurma in una nuova edizione con un'approfondita revisione dei contenuti e una nuova grafica che...
PLANETA PUB Planeta pub After 4: amor infinito
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Planeta pub After 4: amor infinito

70,21 zł
La historia de dos almas gemelas que no pueden estar separadas, pero que no saben c mo estar juntas. El amor es pasi n y complicidad, pero...
Harper Collins Publishers No Time Like the Past
Do sklepu Szczegóły

No Time Like the Past

43,28 zł
Stardate 6422.5. A diplomatic mission to the planet Yusub erupts in violence when ruthless Orion raiders attempt to disrupt the crucial...
Elemental Trillo carlos - iguana Elemental
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Trillo carlos - iguana Elemental

65,12 zł
Iguana nie żyje, wciąż jednak budzi trwogę wśród mieszkańców La Colonii. Wydarzenia z szerokiego kantu pozwoliły czytelnikom zawrzeć znajomość...
The University of Chicago Press The university of chicago press On the nature of limbs
The most prominent naturalist in Britain before Charles Darwin, Richard Owen made empirical discoveries and offered theoretical innovations...
Fanucci Labirinto. Maze Runner
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Labirinto. Maze Runner

63,93 zł
Quando Thomas si risveglia, le porte dell’ascensore in cui si trova si aprono su un mondo che non conosce. Non ricorda come ci sia arrivato,...
Zondervan Streams in the desert Zondervan
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Streams in the desert Zondervan

51,66 zł
The softcover edition of the perennially bestselling Streams in the Desert, updated in today's language żeby Jim Reimann, will bring sustenance...
Panini Comics Eden. ultimate edition Panini comics
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Eden. ultimate edition Panini comics

116,89 zł
Si intensifica l’attacco di Propater alla squadra del colonnello Khan Nazarbaev. In inferiorità numerica e sotto una potenza di fuoco devastante,...
Avalon Travel Publishing Avalon travel publishing Dennis. cooper - wrong
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Avalon travel publishing Dennis. cooper - wrong

60,34 zł
This collection of short stories uses death to probe the meaning of life. It introduces a man who abducts, molests, and murders young boys;...
Chicago Review Pr Chicago review pr Tom waits on tom waits
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Chicago review pr Tom waits on tom waits

74,00 zł
This autobiographical portrait of Tom Waits takes shape through a selection of more than 50 interviews. Starting with the first interview--on...
Penguin Books Arundhati roy - azadi Penguin books
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Arundhati roy - azadi Penguin books

47,67 zł
Upasana Yoga Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

98,84 zł
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Translation and Commentary in the Light of Vedanta Scripture is truly ground breaking, a unique perspective on these...
Oxford University Press Medieval architecture Oxford university press
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Medieval architecture Oxford university press

108,71 zł
Medieval architecture comprises more than the traditional image of Gothic cathedrals and the castles of chivalry. A great variety of buildings...
Harperluxe Night Like This, a LP
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Night Like This, a LP

80,68 zł
Nora Roberts calls Julia Quinn's novels, "Delightful." The #1 New York Times bestselling creator of the irresistible Bridgerton family,...
Sterling Publishing Co Inc Little Red Riding Hood
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Little Red Riding Hood

19,84 zł
Part of the brand new, lavishly illustrated Silver Penny Stories series. It is suitable for children aged 3-6. Little Red Riding Hood has...
LACRE Lacre El oro de nueva españa
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Lacre El oro de nueva españa

65,12 zł
España, año 1517. Tras la muerte de Fernando de Aragón, Castilla vivemomentos de grave inestabilidad política.Un humilde pastor decabras...
San Paolo Edizioni San paolo edizioni Mio libro di preghiere
Do sklepu Szczegóły

San paolo edizioni Mio libro di preghiere

59,84 zł
La preghiera vera smuove le montagne, apre sentieri di pace, scava pozzi di gioia, suscita autentiche novità di bellezza di vita. Se sapessimo...
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform El cantar del mio cid Createspace independent publishing platform
El Cantar de mio Cid es un cantar de gesta an nimo que relata haza as heroicas inspiradas libremente en los ltimos a os de la vida del caballero...
Bompiani Bompiani Cassandra a mogadiscio
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Bompiani Cassandra a mogadiscio

96,44 zł
A Roma, il 31 dicembre 1990, una sedicenne si prepara per la sua prima festa di Capodanno: indossa un maglione preso alla Caritas, ha truccato...
Independently Published Gnomes: Coloring Book
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Gnomes: Coloring Book

35,20 zł
Expand your world of gnomes with these delightful, small but mighty, garden gnomes from around the world. They are waiting to be colored...
Cambridge University Press Differential topology Cambridge university press
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Differential topology Cambridge university press

415,22 zł
Exploring the full scope of differential topology, this comprehensive account of geometric techniques for studying the topology of smooth...
Feltrinelli Anna dai capelli rossi
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Anna dai capelli rossi

55,25 zł
Quando gli anziani fratelli Cuthbert decidono di adottare un orfano per avere un aiuto alla fattoria, non si aspettano di ritrovarsi una...
LektorKlett Lektorklett Niemiecka gramatyka obrazkowa w ćwiczeniach
Gramatyka obrazkowa z ćwiczeniami:Nauka gramatyki (A1-B2) może być zabawą! Możesz dzisiaj zmierzyć się zadaniami językowymi, które wcześniej...
Penguin Books Penguin books Len deighton - bomber
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Penguin books Len deighton - bomber

43,08 zł
'Probably the best thing ever written about the wartime air campaign against Germany' Max Hastings'Magnificent... Rich with historical detail'...
HARPER ONE Harper one Eat for life: the breakthrough nutrient-rich program for longevity, disease reversal, and sustained weight loss
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAs Featured on PBSHow to stay healthy and boost immunity with #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman's...
Oxford University Press Oxford university press Dictionary of zoology
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Oxford university press Dictionary of zoology

81,38 zł
With over 6,000 entries, the Oxford Dictionary of Zoology is a detailed and authoritative guide to all areas of the field. It offers full...
Little, Brown Book Group Bride's Story, Vol. 5
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Bride's Story, Vol. 5

66,82 zł
Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori's tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road turns westward, following Englishman Mr. Smith on his long...
Penguin Books Penguin books Conquest of new spain
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Penguin books Conquest of new spain

60,83 zł
Vivid, powerful and absorbing, this is a first-person account of one of the most startling military episodes in history: the overthrow of...
Manning Publications Manning publications core in action
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Manning publications core in action

228,00 zł
Key features* Hands-on lessons* Step-by-step guide* Real-world examples AudienceReaders should have experience with C#. No web development...
Tiny Owl Publishing Ltd Duncan annand - caged Tiny owl publishing ltd
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Duncan annand - caged Tiny owl publishing ltd

42,58 zł
While a bluebird builds her nest in the forest, two eccentric gentlemen have a more ambitious construction in mind: a vast palatial building,...
Little, Brown Book Group Little, brown book group Bride's story, vol. 6
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Little, brown book group Bride's story, vol. 6

66,82 zł
In the year since his marriage, Karluk has grown a good deal, but Amir can't help but feel overprotective of her much younger husband. Karluk...
Ancient Egypt Research Associates Manual of Egyptian Pottery, Volume 2
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Manual of Egyptian Pottery, Volume 2

189,60 zł
This is the second volume in a four-book set covering all Egyptian pottery, ranging from the earliest (Fayum A) ceramics to modern pottery...
Shambhala Publications Inc Primordial Experience
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Primordial Experience

97,64 zł
The Tibetan teaching of Dzog-chen (pronounced ZOAK-chen), also known as Ati yoga, is considered aby its adherents to be the definitive and...
Alianza Editorial Alianza editorial Camino de perfección: pasión mística
En "Camino de perfección" (1902), el protagonista, Fernando Ossorio,joven de espíritu confuso y atormentado cuyas experiencias vitales han...
HarperCollins Publishers Post Wall, Post Square
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Post Wall, Post Square

51,76 zł
The world changed dramatically as the Berlin Wall fell and protest turned to massacre in Tiananmen Square. Now, with deft analysis and a...
Editoriale Cosmo Carlos trillo - custer Editoriale cosmo
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Carlos trillo - custer Editoriale cosmo

30,71 zł
Custer, la cui esistenza è ripresa costantemente dalle telecamere, si muove in una grottesca città succube del consumismo e dell’immagine....
HarperCollins Children's Books The Korean Cinderella
Do sklepu Szczegóły

The Korean Cinderella

38,79 zł
As in the familiar version of Cinderella, Pear Blossom, the Korean Cinderella, is mistreated aby a cruel stepmother and made to perform...
Human Kinetics Publishers Human kinetics publishers Tennis skills & drills
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Human kinetics publishers Tennis skills & drills

125,07 zł
A guide to mastering the Tennis game. It helps you gain the techniques and shots that are essential for success in this versatile and powerful...
Vertical Inc Vertical inc. The crimson labyrinth
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Vertical inc. The crimson labyrinth

56,74 zł
The Crimson Labyrinth is a thriller about twelve strangers who find themselves as actors in a preverse snuff film from which only one is...
Oxford University Press Nicaea and its legacy Oxford university press
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Nicaea and its legacy Oxford university press

198,28 zł
Subtitled, }An Approach To Fourth-Century Trinitarian Theology{.
Skyhorse Publishing Children's Dictionary
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Children's Dictionary

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Here's a handy guide for young children and students to help with their first steps through the English language. This dictionary serves...
RIVERHEAD The shape of the ruins Riverhead
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The shape of the ruins Riverhead

67,02 zł
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2019 MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE A sweeping tale of conspiracy theories, assassinations, and twisted obsessions --...
Little, Brown Book Group Little, brown book group Bride's story, vol. 4
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Little, brown book group Bride's story, vol. 4

66,82 zł
As he journeys to India, Mr. Smith is snapped out of his melancholic reverie aby a tumble from his camel into a river and aby the pair of...
Penguin Books Diary of a young girl Penguin books
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Diary of a young girl Penguin books

92,85 zł
One of the most famous accounts of living under the Nazi regime of World War II comes from the diary of a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl,...
Alianza Editorial Camino de servidumbre
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Camino de servidumbre

67,72 zł
Publicado en 1944 y traducido a numerosos idiomas, Camino deservidumbre popularizó el nombre de Friedrich A. Hayek más allá de las fronteras...
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Napisana w zachwycającym stylu jedyna powieść Oscara Wilde’a. Historia młodzieńca, który sprzedał duszę w zamian za wieczną młodość i piękno....
Editions Flammarion Buddhist art of tibet Editions flammarion
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Buddhist art of tibet Editions flammarion

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The Tibet Museum collection in the medieval city of Gruyères, Switzerland, offers a rare opportunity to discover Tibetan Buddhist art-an...
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Tramonto. warrior cats Sonda

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Nella loro nuova casa, tra i Clan dei gatti guerrieri la pace è solo apparente. Invidie e vendette sono pronte a esplodere: ArtigliodiMora...
Star Comics Inuyasha. wide edition Star comics
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Inuyasha. wide edition Star comics

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Kagome è una studentessa delle medie la cui famiglia gestisce un tempio shintoista. Il giorno del suo quindicesimo compleanno viene improvvisamente...
Harvard University Press Unintended reformation Harvard university press
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Unintended reformation Harvard university press

157,78 zł
In a work as much about the present as the past, Gregory identifies the unintended consequences of the Reformation for the modern condition:...
John Murray Press Ultimate finance book John murray press
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THE ULTIMATE FINANCE BOOK gives you everything you need to understand finance and accounting. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills...
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Zielniveau A1-Übungen und Wiederholungsübungen in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen zur Binnendifferenzierung-systematisch aufgebautes...
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Leila slimani - adele Faber & faber

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From the bestselling author of Lullaby'Riveting.' Evening kanon'Explosive.' Mail on Sunday'Thrilling.' Sunday Times'A must-read.' VogueHer...
MT Biznes Psychologia sprzedaży Mt biznes
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Psychologia sprzedaży Mt biznes

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Osiągnij mistrzostwo w psychologicznej grze sprzedaży! Brian Tracy jest dziś jednym z najlepszych zawodowych mówców i trenerów technik sprzedaży....
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform The moon and sixpence Createspace independent publishing platform
The Moon and Sixpence is W. Somerset Maugham's ode to the powerful forces behind creative genius. Charles Strickland is a staid banker,...
Oxford University Press Evolution of the soul Oxford university press
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Evolution of the soul Oxford university press

285,96 zł
Men have evolved from animals, and animals from inanimate matter, but what has evolved is qualitatively different from the inanimate matter...
F+W Conflict and Suspense
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Conflict and Suspense

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Ramp up the tension and keep your readers hooked! Inside you'll find everything you need to know to spice up your story, move your plot...
Penguin Books Of time and the river Penguin books
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Of time and the river Penguin books

60,83 zł
Ein amerikanisches Epos, das seinesgleichen sucht eine hymnische Daseinsfeier und das faszinierende Bekenntnis einer überschwänglichen,...
Ylva Verlag e.Kfr Not the Marrying Kind
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Not the Marrying Kind

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A closeted small-town florist and a too-busy-for-a-relationship bakery owner mix up the perfect recipe for love in this delicious lesbian...
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22,23 zł
En el cuaderno Competencia matemática 6 para niños a partir de 11 años se fomenta la capacidad de razonamiento lógico-matemático de los...