Literatura obcojęzyczna PEARSON Education Limited

Bazarek jest internetową porównywarką gdzie łatwo znajdziesz 1419 (strona 1 z 12) wyrobów w dziale Literatura obcojęzyczna PEARSON Education Limited. Koniecznie zwróć uwagę na produkty opatrzone etykietką promocyjną

PEARSON Education Limited Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack
Your students * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated aby the variety...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Gold experience 2ed b2 student's book & ebook with online practice
Gold New Edition Gold New Edition follows the same approach as previous editions but has been revised and updated following extensive research...
PEARSON Education Limited New Success Intermediate Students' Book & Active Book Pack
New Success provides: * a controlled environment for teaching and learning * student and teacher motivation * an interactive approach to...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson REVISE Edexcel AS/A Level Chemistry Revision Guide
Designed for hassle-free classroom and independent study, our Revision Guides are designed to complement the Student Books with a range...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited My disney stars and heroes british edition level 1 activity book with ebook
Our brand-new primary course, bringing together the magic of Disney with the pedagogy of Pearson, which inspires learners to be confident...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Business partner b1+ teacher's book and myenglishlab pack
Business Partner to najbardziej aktualny kurs do nauki języka angielskiego w biznesie na rynku. Materiał asygnowany jest osobom uczącym...
PEARSON Education Limited Wider world starter students' book with myenglishlab pack Pearson education limited
Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination...
PEARSON Education Limited Business Partner B2 Teacher's Book and MyEnglishLab Pack

Business Partner B2 Teacher's Book and MyEnglishLab Pack

104,63 zł 100,91 zł Rabat 4%
Business Partner to kurs do nauki języka angielskiego w biznesie na rynku. Materiał dedykowany jest osobom uczącym się, które dopiero stoją...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap b1 teacher's book with teacher's portal access code Pearson education limited
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different,...
PEARSON Education Limited Inorganic Chemistry: Pearson New International Edition
With its updates to quickly changing content areas, a strengthened visual presentation and the addition of new co-author Paul Fischer, the...
PEARSON Education Limited Test Your Professional English NE Hotel and Catering
Test Your Professional English: Hotel and Catering is organized into eight sections and covers words and expressions in areas, such as hotel...
PEARSON Education Limited Wider world 2 students' book with myenglishlab pack Pearson education limited
Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English Language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination...
PEARSON Education Limited Discover English Global Starter Activity Book and Student's CD-ROM Pack
Open your students' minds with the course that delivers on all levels. Discover English uses simple tried and tested principles to address...
PEARSON Education Limited Rise and Shine Level 1 Learn to Read Activity Book
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Rise and Shine Level 1 Learn to Read Activity Book

45,26 zł
Rise and Shine is a seven-level* primary course that empowers every child to reach their potential and shine. Targeted support throughout...
PEARSON Education Limited Practice Tests Plus Pre A1 Starters Students' Book
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Practice Tests Plus Pre A1 Starters Students' Book

117,11 zł
Practice tests plus books give realistic practice, guidance and strategies to help prepare for each paper of the Cambridge English Qualifications....
PEARSON Education Limited Mygrammarlab elementary without key and mylab pack Pearson education limited
Nová řada gramatik MyGrammarLab kombinuje: knihu + online + extra cvičení ke stažení do przenośních zařízení. Přehledné a srozumitelné vysvětlení...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Ielts practice tests plus 2 with key and cd pack
It includes: * six complete Practice Tests incorporating the 2005 modifications to the Writing module * additional reading and writing modules...
PEARSON Education Limited Gogetter 1 students' book with myenglishlab pack Pearson education limited
GoGetter is a new multi-level secondary course designed to inspire 21st Century learners and help them achieve their language goals. Exam...
Przecena 9%
Pearson Education Limited Roadmap b2+ workbook with digital resources Pearson education limited
Opis artykułu/linii Roadmap to ośmiopoziomowy kurs general English dla studentów i osób dorosłych, który koncentruje się na szybkim i sprawnym...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Level 2: nelson mandela book and multi-rom pack
Nelson Mandela’s life is the story of a country boy and his fight for the black people of South Africa. The extraordinary story of a great...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Financial times guide to wealth management, the
An updated edition of award-winning financial planner Jason Butler's effective guide to helping your wealth survive and thrive so that you...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Gold 6e b1+ pre-first student's book with interactive ebook, digital resources and app
Gold to kurs, który od lat towarzyszy osobom przygotowującym się do międzynarodowych egzaminów językowych Cambridge. Jego kolejne edycje...
PEARSON Education Limited Real Life Global Upper Intermediate Workbook & Multi-ROM Pack
The Workbook that works alongside Real Life Upper Intermediate Students' Book, has grammar and vocabulary practice with easy access to relevant...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Roadmap b1+ students' book with online practice, digital resources & app pack
The Students' Book includes: Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons....
Przecena 37%
Pearson Education Limited Formula B2 First Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool, Digital Resources & App
Formula is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Formula takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Speakout 3ed b1+ student's book and ebook with online practice
Speakout 3rd edition to wszystko, co najlepsze w dziedzinie nauczania dorosłych skategoryzowane w jednym kursie, opracowanym przy współudziale...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Speakout 3ed a2.2 student's book and workbook with ebook and online practice split
Speakout 3rd Edition do nauki języka angielskiego skierowany do osób dorosłych i studentów.Sprawdzona i uznana metodyka, zupełnie nowy,...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 2: The Last of the Mohicans Book and MP3 Pack
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Level 2: The Last of the Mohicans Book and MP3 Pack

42,96 zł
Classic / American English Uncas is the last of the Mohican Indians. He is with his father and Hawkeye when they meet Heyward. Heyward is...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Revise edexcel: edexcel gcse ict revision workbook
* This Revision Workbook delivers hassle-free question practice, covering one topic per page and avoiding lengthy set up time. * Build your...
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Flexi Coursebook 2 Pack
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Speakout Starter 2nd Edition Flexi Coursebook 2 Pack

101,07 zł
Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Wider world 3 students' book with myenglishlab pack
Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English Language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Formula c1 advanced teacher's book & teacher's portal access code
Formula is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Formula takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 2: Wonders of the World Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack
Around the world there are many beautiful places. There are famous buildings, old and new. Some are interesting; some are important. Some...
PEARSON Education Limited Wider world exam practice: pearson tests of english general level 2(b1) Pearson education limited
Wider World Exam Practice: Pearson Test of English General Level 2 offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Practice tests plus ket for schools with key and multi-rom/audio cd pack
Practice Tests Plus offer teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge ESOL exams. Practice Tests Plus provide authentic...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Focus 2 teacher's book with pearson practice english app (2nd)
Focus 2nd Edition je řada učebnic pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky. Nová...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Expert first 3rd edition coursebook with audio cd and myenglishlab pack
The Expert series provides rigorous exam training for high-achieving students while continuing to develop language awareness and communication...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Wider world exam practice: pearson tests of english general level 1(a2)
Wider World Exam Practice: Pearson Test of English General Level 1 offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside...
PEARSON Education Limited Wider world 2 teacher's book with myenglishlab & online extra homework + dvd-rom pack Pearson education limited
Řada učebnic Wider World je vhodná především pro nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií a 2. Stupeň ZŠ. Kombinuje autentická a poutavá videa...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Pearson english readers level 4: marvel - the guardians of the galaxy 2
Presenting an unbeatable range of over 480 stories for kids, teens and adults across a range of genres and in a range of formats, Pearson...
Przecena 21%
Pearson Education Limited Speakout. 2ND Edition. Elementary. Student's Book with ActiveBook & MyEnglishLab,39
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Stimmt! edexcel gcse german grammar and translation workbook
A dedicated workbook to support and consolidate grammar learning and translation skills for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) German.
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout 3ed a2+ teacher's book with teacher's portal access code Pearson education limited
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited New language leader upper intermediate coursebook with myenglishlab pack
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and use...
PEARSON Education Limited Discover english global starter student's book Pearson education limited
Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young learners....
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Captain America Civil War + Code
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and...
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout Upper Intermediate 2nd Edition Students' Book and DVD-ROM Pack
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from...
PEARSON Education Limited Practice Tests Plus FCE New Edition Students Book without Key/CD-Rom Pack
* SIX complete new practice tests in exam format* Audio CDs for students to practise listening at home* Full colour visual material for...
PEARSON Education Limited Text building skills in english 11-14 student book 1 Pearson education limited
Features of this Student Book include: * easy-to-use Assessment tasks focusing clearly on either Reading, Writing or Speaking and Listening,...
PEARSON Education Limited New cutting edge intermediate students book and cd-rom pack Pearson education limited
With a task-based learning approach, the main objective is for students to use the language that they know in order to achieve a particular...
PEARSON Education Limited Market leader intermediate flexi course book 2 pack Pearson education limited
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Pearson revise edexcel as/a level biology revision workbook
Revise smart and save! Our Revision Workbooks are designed to help students develop vital skills throughout the course in preparation for...
PEARSON Education Limited New success upper intermediate students' book & active book pack Pearson education limited
New Success provides: * a controlled environment for teaching and learning * student and teacher motivation * an interactive approach to...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap b2 students' book with online practice, digital resources & app pack Pearson education limited
The Students' Book includes: Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons....
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout 3ed B2 Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing...
PEARSON Education Limited Business Partner A1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack
The student book includes: Eight units with five lessons each Eight case study business workshop lessons relating to each of the eight units...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Real life global upper intermediate students book
*Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to *Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap A1 Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App
Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson...
PEARSON Education Limited Practice Tests Plus PET 3 without Key and Multi-ROM/Audio CD Pack
Practice Tests Plus offer teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge ESOL exams. Practice Tests Plus provide authentic...
Przecena 16%
PEARSON Education Limited Gold experience 2nd edition b2+ students' book w/ online practice pack Pearson education limited
Gold Experience 2ND Edition to druga edycja uznanego poprzez uczniów i uznanego przez nauczycieli kursu językowego, który nieprzeciętnie...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Cae gold plus coursebook with access code, cd-rom and audio cd pack
* The Coursebook is divided into 14 units with a language review at the end of each unit * Authentic texts, motivating topics and fun communication...
PEARSON Education Limited Financial times guide to the financial markets Pearson education limited
From bestselling author Glen Arnold, this is a jargon-busting book that describes how financial markets work, where they are located and...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Level 6: crime and punishment book and mp3 pack
Classic / British English Raskolnikoff, a young student, has been forced to give up his university studies because of lack of money. He...
PEARSON Education Limited Young learners english starters practice tests plus teacher's book with multi-rom pack Pearson education limited
Practice Tests Plus familiarises young learners with the task types, question formats and style of the exams. It helps them achieve results...
PEARSON Education Limited My Disney Stars and Heroes British Edition Level 3 Activity Book with eBook
Our brand-new primary course, bringing together the magic of Disney with the pedagogy of Pearson, which inspires learners to be confident...
PEARSON Education Limited Focus 1 Student's Book with Standard Pearson Practice English App (2nd)
Focus 2nd Edition je řada učebnic pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky. Nová...
PEARSON Education Limited Team together vocabulary booster for a2 flyers Pearson education limited
Team Together develops language skills alongside 21st Century skills to help students thrive in today's world. Pupils are challenged to...
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout 3ed A2+ Student's Book and eBook with Online Practice
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing...
PEARSON Education Limited Gold Experience 2nd Edition B1 Student's Book
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Gold Experience 2nd Edition B1 Student's Book

87,70 zł
Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Expert advanced 3rd edition student's resource book without key
The Advanced Expert Student's Resource Book supports students aby giving them extensive additional material that enables students to consolidate...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Mind and heart of the negotiator, the, global edition
Thist itle is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content...
PEARSON Education Limited Business partner c1 teacher's book with myenglishlab pack Pearson education limited
Business Partner is an eight-level business English course that teaches real-world language and business skills. Authentic videos with expert...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited New total english advanced students' book with active book pack
* Over 50% new material * New DVD material with Film Bank on the Active Book disc * New Writing Bank which makes writing a fun and engaging...
PEARSON Education Limited My Disney Stars and Heroes British Edition Level 2 Activity Book with eBook
Our brand-new primary course, bringing together the magic of Disney with the pedagogy of Pearson, which inspires learners to be confident...
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout 3ed A1 Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing...
Pearson Education Limited Jamboree Storytime Level A: Shark in the Park Little Book
Give your young children the best start to learning English with Jamboree Storytime's interactive, play-based approach! One of ten beautifully...
PEARSON Education Limited Cambridge english qualifications: b1 preliminary practice tests plus Pearson education limited
Separate Practice Tests Plus books prepare for 2020 B1 Preliminary or B1 Preliminary for Schools exams 8 complete tests Training tips and...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron + Code
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Choices upper intermediate workbook & audio cd pack
Choices meets the challenge of motivating older teenagers who need to achieve academic and educational goals in a modern world. Combining...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson english readers level 3: marvel - captain america - civil war Pearson education limited
The Avengers are super heroes with very special powers who defend the world against its enemies. Recently, though, they have made mistakes....
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout elementary students book and dvd/active book multi rom pack Pearson education limited
Lessons cover all four skill areas as well as grammar and vocabulary. Each unit ends with a DVD lesson based around an extract from a BBC...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap b1 students' book with online practice, digital resources & app pack Pearson education limited
The Students' Book includes: Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons....
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Speakout 3ed b1.1 student's book and workbook with ebook and online practice split
Speakout 3rd Edition do nauki języka angielskiego skierowany do osób dorosłych i studentów.Sprawdzona i renomowana metodyka, zupełnie nowy,...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Isucceed in english level 2 teacher's book with teacher's portal access code
Featuring highly captivating content unique to any Pearson secondary course, including videos, games and quizzes, iSucceed in English uses...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 3: The Cellist of Sarajevo Book and MP3 Pack
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Level 3: The Cellist of Sarajevo Book and MP3 Pack

47,71 zł
Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Sarajevo is under siege....
PEARSON Education Limited Business Partner B2+ Coursebook & eBook with MyEnglishLab & Digital Resources
Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps...
PEARSON Education Limited Financial times handbook of corporate finance, the Pearson education limited
The Financial Times Handbook of Corporate Finance is the authoritative introduction to the principles and practices of corporate finance...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap A2 Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Online Practice, Digital Resources & App
Roadmap is an eight-level general English course for adults that is practical and communicative, and gets students talking. Each lesson...
PEARSON Education Limited New total english starter flexi coursebook 2 pack Pearson education limited
New Total English retains all the popular features of the originaledition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lessonplanning...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 1: The Gift of the Magi & Other Stories
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Level 1: The Gift of the Magi & Other Stories

36,42 zł
O. Henry's stories are very famous. He writes about New York, Texas, Oklahoma. Money and love are often problems. But how is a story going...
PEARSON Education Limited Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language

458,75 zł
Contemporary Portuguese Language - The Way You Want To Teach It Ponto de Encontro is the first Portuguese language textbook that allows...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Speakout upper intermediate 2nd edition flexi coursebook 2 pack
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Gogetter 4 students' book with myenglishlab pack
GoGetter is a new multi-level secondary course designed to inspire 21st Century learners and help them achieve their language goals. Exam...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Focus exam practice: pearson tests of english general level 2 (b1)
FOCUS Exam Practice: Cambridge English Key for Schools offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside the Students'...
PEARSON Education Limited Business partner a1 coursebook with myenglishlab Pearson education limited
Business Partner is an eight-level business English course that teaches real-world language and business skills. Authentic videos with expert...
Pearson Education Limited Pearson education limited Roadmap a2+ flexi edition course book 1 with ebook and online practice access
Roadmap to ośmiopoziomowy kurs general English dla studentów i osób dorosłych, który koncentruje się na prędkim i wydajnym rozwoju płynnej...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap a1 workbook with key & online audio Pearson education limited
Roadmap to ośmiopoziomowy kurs general English dla studentów i osób dorosłych, który koncentruje się na prędkim i produktywnym rozwoju płynnej...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Roadmap c1/c2 student's book & interactive ebook with digital resources & app
Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons. An English in Action lesson...
PEARSON Education Limited Rise and shine level 1 activity book with ebook Pearson education limited
Rise and Shine is a seven-level* primary course that empowers every child to reach their potential and shine. Targeted support throughout...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap b1 students' book with digital resources & app Pearson education limited
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different,...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Speakout 3rd edition b1 student's book for pack
Welcome to the third edition of our best-selling eight-level general English course for adults - Speakout. Developed in association with...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Roadmap a2+ student's book & interactive ebook with online practice, digital resources & app
Roadmap to ośmiopoziomowy kurs general English dla studentów i osób dorosłych, który koncentruje się na szybkim i skutecznym rozwoju płynnej...
PEARSON Education Limited Speakout 3ed C1-C2 Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing...
PEARSON Education Limited Gold experience 2nd edition b2 teacher's resource book Pearson education limited
Gold Expirience 2nd Edition je nová edice kurzu šitého na míru teenagerům, kteří se připravují na zkoušky Cambridge English. Učebnice nabízí...
PEARSON Education Limited Gold Experience 2ed A2 Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App
Gold Experience 2ND Edition to druga edycja uznanego poprzez uczniów i uwielbianego poprzez nauczycieli kursu językowego, który rewelacyjnie...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Gold experience 2nd edition c1 teacher's resource book
Gold Expirience 2nd Edition je nová edice kurzu šitého na míru teenagerům, kteří se připravují na zkoušky Cambridge English. Učebnice nabízí...
PEARSON Education Limited Focus BrE 1 Students' Book & MyEnglishLab Pack
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Focus BrE 1 Students' Book & MyEnglishLab Pack

177,50 zł
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Technical english level 1 workbook without key/cd pack
The Workbook provides further practise of the language found in the Course Book and comes with a CD which gives extra listening practise
PEARSON Education Limited French lieutenant's woman: york notes advanced Pearson education limited
Packed full of analysis and interpretation, historical background, discussions and commentaries, York Notes will help you get right to the...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 3: pirates of the caribbean world's end book and mp3 pack Pearson education limited
Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. This pack contains a book...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 4: The Bourne Identity Book and MP3 Pack
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Level 4: The Bourne Identity Book and MP3 Pack

61,27 zł
The man has been shot many times. Who wants to kill him, and why? The man can't remember. As he begins to learn about his past, he becomes...
PEARSON Education Limited Text: building skills in english 11-14 student book 2 Pearson education limited
Features of this Student Book include: * easy-to-use Assessment tasks, focusing clearly on either Reading, Writing or Speaking and Listening,...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Fce expert new edition teachers resource book
* Module by module teaching notes, including lead-ins, background information on the texts and ideas for extension activities.* Six photocopiable...
PEARSON Education Limited Level 6: Captain Corelli's Mandolin Book and MP3 Pack
Contemporary / British English This is a great love story set in the tragedy of war. It is 1941. The Italian officer, Captain Corelli, falls...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Level 3: martin luther king book and mp3 pack
Original / American English Martin Luther King had a dream. He wanted blacks and whites to live together happily. But in America in the...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Focus 4 teacher's book with pearson practice english app (2nd)
Focus 2nd Edition je řada učebnic pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky. Nová...
PEARSON Education Limited Pearson education limited Alpha-theta neurofeedback in the 21st century
Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback in the 21st Century is a new handbook on neurofeedback treatment of emotional trauma and substance abuse, now...
PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap B2+ Student's Book & eBook with Online Practice
Roadmap to nowy, ośmiopoziomowy kurs języka angielskiego ogólnego dla dorosłych, który uznaje, że każda klasa jest inna, każdy uczeń jest...
PEARSON Education Limited Practice Tests Plus A2 Flyers Students' Book
Do sklepu Szczegóły

Practice Tests Plus A2 Flyers Students' Book

83,45 zł
Practice tests plus books give realistic practice, guidance and strategies to help prepare for each paper of the Cambridge English Qualifications....
PEARSON Education Limited Practice tests plus ket students book and audio cd pack Pearson education limited
It includes: * four complete Practice Tests in exam format incorporating the 2004 changes to the KET examination * ready-to-use lessons...