Zdjęcia Pearson Cutting edge upper intermediate students' book with dvd and
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Cutting edge upper intermediate students' book with dvd and (PEARSON)
Do kupienia w: Marka: PEARSON
181,90 zł
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta
Skrócony opis produktu
The new edition includes a new Study, Practice, Remember section and Language Live lessons that provide light-hearted contexts for practising functional language and writing. The new World Culture...
Prezentowany towar Pearson Cutting edge upper intermediate students' book with dvd and można kupić w TaniaKsiazka.pl w naprawdę świetnej cenie wynoszącej 181,90 zł. Oferta ta stanowi efekt dogłębnej analizy wielu hurtowni oraz sklepów w bazie.
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Pearson Cutting edge upper intermediate students' book with dvd and (sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl)
181,90 zł
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta
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Pełny opis produktu
The new edition includes a new Study, Practice, Remember section and Language Live lessons that provide light-hearted contexts for practising functional language and writing. The new World Culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and develop online research skills. The Students' DVD-ROM contains all the audio and video clips and a downloadable Vocabulary book. MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps with vocabulary and grammar practice. It instantly grades student answers and gives them meaningful feedback, saving teachers time and energy. Insightful analytics give teachers the whole picture of each class' performance and help track individual student's performance.
Jonathan bygrave, sarah cunningham, peter moor
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Literatura obcojęzyczna
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Marianna C.
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