Zdjęcia Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Childrens Paperback), 1408856778

Literatura obcojęzyczna

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Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Childrens Paperback),78 (Bloomsbury Trade)

Do kupienia w: Sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl Marka: Bloomsbury Trade
367,04 zł
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Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli mają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka). Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega zamianie na towar pełnowartościowy. Box ma uszkodzoną...

Prezentowany towar Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Childrens Paperback), 1408856778 jest dostępny w TaniaKsiazka.pl w naprawdę znakomitej cenie 367,04 zł. Oferta ta stanowi efekt zbiorczych analiz wielu sklepów online.

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Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Childrens Paperback), 1408856778 (sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl)

367,04 zł
Sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta
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  • Informacje o dostępności i obowiązujących cenach wykorzystane w prezentowanej klasyfikacji są indeksowane niemal natychmiast.

Pełny opis produktu

Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli posiadają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka).
Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega podmianie na towar pełnowartościowy. Box ma uszkodzoną folię ochronną, a także róg pudełka - książki bez wad.


A beautiful boxed set containing all seven Harry Potter novels in paperback. These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON...

Boxed Set Contains:

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

1.Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

When a letter arrives for unhappy but ordinary Harry Potter, a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he’s the last to know. His parents were wizards, killed żeby a Dark Lord’s curse when Harry was just a baby, and which he somehow survived. Leaving his unsympathetic aunt and uncle for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry stumbles upon a sinister mystery when he finds a three-headed dog guarding a room on the third floor. Then he hears of a missing stone with astonishing powers, which could be valuable, dangerous – or both. An incredible adventure is about to begin.

2.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter can't wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts. Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle parentage. Then students are found as though turned to stone, and a terrible warning is discovered painted on the wall. The chief suspect – always in the wrong place – is Harry. But something much darker has yet to be unleashed.

3.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued aby the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously?

4.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted żeby Voldemort's rampaging supporters alongside the resurrection of the terrifying Dark Mark, it is obvious to Harry Potter that, far from weakening, Voldemort is getting stronger. Back at Hogwarts for his fourth year, Harry is astonished to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire to represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament. The competition is dangerous, the tasks terrifying, and true courage is no guarantee of survival – especially when the darkest forces are on the rise.

5.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter is furious that he has been abandoned at the Dursleys' house for the summer, for he suspects that Voldemort is gathering an army, that he himself could be attacked, and that his so-called friends are keeping him in the dark. Finally rescued by wizard bodyguards, he discovers that Dumbledore is regrouping the Order of the Phoenix – a secret society first formed years ago to fight Voldemort. But the Ministry of Magic is against the Order, lies are being spread by the wizards' tabloid, the Daily Prophet, and Harry fears that he may have to take on this epic battle against evil alone.

6.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord's attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted żeby the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He's desperate for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and take him away from the Dursley's – but Hogwarts may not be the safe haven from Voldemort's Dark Forces that it once was.

7.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him – and Harry has already lost so much. Only żeby destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord's forces of evil.

In this dramatic conclusion to the Harry Potter series, Harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight.







J.k. rowling


Bloomsbury publishing plc

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Literatura obcojęzyczna


Bloomsbury Trade

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Lidia R.
Lidia R.
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Bloomsbury Trade Harry Potter Boxed Set: The Complete Collection (Childrens Paperback),78
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