Zdjęcia Chicot the jester marki Alexandre dumas


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Chicot the jester (Alexandre Dumas)

Do kupienia w: Sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl Marka: Alexandre Dumas
21,61 zł
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta

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Amidst the conspiracy of the Holy League to make the Duke of Anjou king, Bussy d’Amboise falls in love with a lady of the court of Henry III – a lady with a very jealous husband! This sequel to...

Prezentowany wporownywarce cen produkt Chicot the jester marki Alexandre dumas możesz kupić w TaniaKsiazka.pl w naprawdę interesującej cenie 21,61 zł. Promocja ta stanowi efekt szerokiej analizy kilkuset sklepów i hurtowni online.

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Alexandre dumas

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Chicot the jester marki Alexandre dumas (sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl)

21,61 zł
Sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta
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Pełny opis produktu

Amidst the conspiracy of the Holy League to make the Duke of Anjou king, Bussy d’Amboise falls in love with a lady of the court of Henry III – a lady with a very jealous husband! This sequel to Dumas’ „Marguerite de Valois” begins four years after the sudden death of King Charles IX and succession of his brother Henry III. Bristling with political plots, secret assignations, mysteries, daring escapes, duels, surprising alliances and betrayals, Dumas orchestrates two plotlines: one of the love ignited between le Comte de Bussy and la Dame de Monsoreau, and another of the friendship between King Henry III and his truly unique jester, Chicot (Jean-Antoine d’Anglerais). All these come together in a very scene-driven, absolutely over-the-top novel. Concerning one of Dumas’s most well-known and marvelously crafted characters, „Chicot the Jester” is a must-read for fans of Dumas’s seminal work, and is not to be missed aby the discerning collector.





Alexandre dumas



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Alexandre Dumas

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