Join the world's most famous travelling reporter in his final unfinished adventure, Tintin and Alph-Art In an interview shortly before his death, Herge wrote of the last Tintin adventure: "The plot revolves around a tale of forgers...The book is set in the world of contemporary art.
The narration itself is in the course of evolution. I am still doing my research and I honestly don't know where this story will lead me." Sadly, the tale was never completed, but this unique book gives an insight into the work Herge had done on the project before he died.
At the end, Tintin is about to be cast into a living sculpture aby a mysterious enemy - one last cliffhanger for the world's best-loved boy journalist. Join the most iconic character in comics as he embarks on an extraordinary adventures spanning historical and political events, and thrilling mysteries.
Still selling over 100,000 copies every year in the UK and having been adapted for the silver screen by Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson in 2011, The Adventures of Tintin continue to charm more than 80 years after they first found their way into publication.Since then an estimated 230 million copies have been sold, proving that comic books have the same power to entertain children and adults in the 21st century as they did in the early 20th.