This book will enable you to gain understanding of legal concepts relating to Construction Law. Construction professionals' day to day work may involve legal issues and the interpretation of laws. Most of the Laws applicable in any country can be classified or categorized by the subject areas they relate to or govern such as Contract Law, Land Law, Construction Law, Planning Law, Environmental Law, Business Law etc. For example: Contract Law will apply to any one who breaches contract.(Construction Contract etc) There are several Construction Law areas that deal with specific legal areas. Good examples of specific laws can be given from the areas of Business Law & Real Property Law. Company Law will only concern those who run Construction Companies or deal with them. Similarly, Partnership Law will concern only those who trade as partners (e.g. Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, firms etc) and third parties who have transactions with a partnership. Construction professionals of enterprises often have to deal issues of business entities such as partnerships and companies. Hence Construction professionals should possess a knowledge of the Partnership and Company Law.