PREFACETABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION§ 1. Historical background of non-equilibrium thermodynamics§ 2. Systematic development of the theoryPART A. GENERAL THEORY CHAPTER II CONSERVATION LAWS § 1.
Introduction § 2. Conservation of mass § 3. The equation of motion § 4. Conservation of energy CHAPTER III ENTROPY LAW AND ENTROPY BALANCE § 1. The second law of thermodynamics § 2. The entropy balance equation § 3.
Alternative expressions for the entropy production; on different definitions of the heat flow § 4. Kinetic energy of diffusion CHAPTER IV THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL EQUATIONS § 1. The linear laws § 2. Influence of symmetry properties of matter on the linear laws; Curie principle § 3.
The Onsager reciprocal relations § 4. The differential equations CHAPTER V THE STATIONARY STATES § 1. Introduction § 2. Mechanical equilbrium § 3. Stationary states with minimum entropy production § 4.
Stationary states without minimum entropy production CHAPTER VI PROPERTIES OF THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL EQUATIONS AND THE ONSAGER RELATIONS § 1. Introduction § 2. The Curie principle § 3. Dependent fluxes and thermodynamic forces § 4.
Onsager relations for vectorial (and tensorial) phenomena § 5. Transformation properties of the Onsager relations CHAPTER VII DISCUSSION OF THE STATISTICAL FOUNDATIONS § 1. Introduction § 2. State variables and fluctuations § 3.
Microscopic reversibility § 4. Derivation of the Onsager reciprocal relations § 5. Furthr properties of the matrix of phenomenological coefficients § 6. Gaussian Markoff processes § 7. Gaussian Markoff processes: Langevin equations § 8.
Entropy and random fluctuations CHAPTER VIII THE FLUCTUATION DISSIPATION THEOREM § 1. Introduction § 2. The correlation function of stationary processes; the Wiener-Khinchin theorem § 3. The principle of casuality; the Kramers-Kronig relations § 4.
Derivation of the fluctuation dissipation theorem § 5. The entropy production in a system subjected to external driving forces CHAPTER IX DISCUSSION OF FOUNDATIONS by MEANS OF KINETIC THEORY § 1. Introduction § 2.
The Boltzmann equation § 3. The hydrodynamic equation § 4. The entropy balance equation; Boltmann's H-theorem § 5. The Enskog method of solution of the Boltzmann equation § 6. The entropy balance equation in the first approximation of Enskog § 7.
The Onsager relations § 8. Brownian motionPART B. APPLICATIONS CHAPTER X CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND RELAXATION PHENOMENA § 1. Introduction § 2. Chemical reactions § 3. Coupled chemical reactions § 4. Unimolecular reactions; the principle of detailed balance § 5.
Relaxation phenomena § 6. Internal degrees of freedom "CHAPTER XI HEAT CONDUCTION, DIFFUSION AND CROSS-EFFECTS" § 1. Heat conduction § 2. Diffusion. General remarks § 3. Thermodynamic symmetry relations for chemical potentials § 4.
Diffusion in binary systems § 5. Diffusion in multi-component systems § 6. Diffusion in rotating systems § 7. Thermal diffusion (Soret effect) and Dufour effect § 8. Heat conduction and thermal diffusion in reacting systems CHAPTER XII VISCOUS FLOW AND RELAXATION PHENOMENA § 1.
Viscous flow in an isotropic fluid § 2. Viscous flow in a magnetic field § 3. Propagation of sound § 4. Acoustical relaxation § 5. The influence of viscosity and heat conduction on the propagation of sound § 6.
Elastic relaxation CHAPTER XIII ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION § 1. Introduction § 2. The Maxwell equations § 3. Conservation laws and entropy balance in systems without polarization § 4. Entropy balance (continued) § 5.
Electric resistance § 6. Thermo-electric potential and Peltier effect § 7. Galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic effects § 8. Sedimentation potential and electrophoresis § 9. Diffusion and thermal diffusion potentials; thermopotential of a thermocell CHAPTER XIV IRREVERSIBLE PROCESSES IN POLARIZED SYSTEMS § 1.
Conservation laws in polarized systems § 2. The entropy balance equation in polarized systems § 3. Pressure and ponderomotive force § 4. The chemical potential in a polarized medium § 5. Dielectric and magnetic relaxation CHAPTER XV DISCONTINUOUS SYSTEMS § 1.
Introduction § 2. Conservation laws § 3. Entropy law and entropy balance § 4. Phenomenological equations and Onsager reciprocal relations § 5. "Thermomolecular pressure effect, thermal effusion and mechano-caloric effect in reacting mixtures" § 6.
Osmotic pressure and permeability of membranes § 7. Electrokinetic effects § 8. "Thermomolecular pressure effect, thermal effusion and mechano-caloric effect in reacting mixtures" § 9. ElectrochemistryAPPENDIX I.
On Matrix and tensor notationAPPENDIX II. On thermodynamic relationsAPPENDIX III. The Gaussian distribution for macroscopic variablesPROBLEMSNAME INDEXSUBJECT INDEX