Zdjęcia Wordsworth editions De profundis, the ballad of reading gaol & others
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De profundis, the ballad of reading gaol & others (Wordsworth Editions)
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19,31 zł
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De Profundis is Wilde's eloquent and bitter reproach from prison to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. He contrasts his behaviour with that of his close friend Robert Ross who became Wilde's...
Proponowany w naszejporownywarce produkt Wordsworth editions De profundis, the ballad of reading gaol & others nabędziesz w Libristo.pl w naprawdę promocyjnej cenie wynoszącej 19,31 zł. Oferta ta jest rezultatem zbiorczych analiz ogromnej liczby sklepów i hurtowni w bazie danych.
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Wordsworth editions De profundis, the ballad of reading gaol & others (sklep Libristo.pl)
19,31 zł
Idź do sklepuSuper oferta
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Pełny opis produktu
De Profundis is Wilde's eloquent and bitter reproach from prison to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. He contrasts his behaviour with that of his close friend Robert Ross who became Wilde's literary executor. The Ballad of Reading Gaol is a deeply moving and characteristically generous poem on the horrors of prison life, which was published anonymously in 1898. This collection also includes the essay The Soul of Man under Socialism and two of his Platonic dialogues, The Decay of Lying and The Critic as Artist.
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Literatura obcojęzyczna
Wordsworth Editions
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Bogdan S.
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