The exploits of Tom Sawyer, a consummate prankster with a quick wit, captivate children of all ages. Yet through the novel's humorous escapades, from the episodes of the whitewashed fence and the ordeal in the cave to the trial of Injun Joe, Mark Twain explores deeper themes within the adult world Tom will one day join. These include the baser human instincts of dishonesty and superstition, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery.
ISBN: 9781784871581
Kod paskowy: 9781784871581
Autorzy: Twain Mark
Rok wydania: 2018
Kod wydawcy: 30728
ilość stron: 232
Oprawa: Miękka
PKWiU: 58.11
Format: 11.0x18.0cm
Głębokość (mm): 16
Waga: 0.135
Języki: angielski
Grupa towarowa: Książka