Man's eternal quest for self-knowledge and self-fulfillment demands a continuing expansion of consciousness. Consciousness, the secret of life, determines man's experiences. Discovery of this secret is the primary purpose of man's presence in the world."On the mystical path, you learn that the goal in life is releasing the soul from the tomb of human existence, more especially the tomb of the human mind. If we are to experience the soul, we have to break through the limitations of the body and the mind. The reason that this realm of the soul is so little known is that God is spoken of as God without the realization that God is the soul of man. The purpose of man is to show forth the nature of God. Man originally was intended to be the instrument through which, or as which, God lives on earth. Man is the great glory of God. Man was not meant to cry, and all his tears are shed only because of a sense of limitation. Every tear you shed is proof of some form of limitation being experienced in your life. Man was not born to cry!"