Conversations are basically continuations of questions and answers. Sometimes you ask questions, and other times you answer questions. In this book, we introduce common sentence patterns used in interview questions as well as day-to-day conversations.There are 50 questions, divided into 10 different categories, and each question is followed by 3 more similar questions, and each sample answer is also followed by 3 more possible answer types. (200 main questions and 200 answers in total!) And about each of the 50 questions, there is a sample answer by Talk To Me In Korean teachers and a short sample dialogue, also followed aby study notes.This will be a great learning material for anyone who is preparing for any kind of interviews in Korean, Korean speaking test, or real-life conversations at work or during travel.EATING HABITS 식습관1 Is there a food that you can t eat2 Do you tend to eat a lot3 Do you make sure you eat breakfast4 Do you tend to eat out a lot5 Do you tend to eat regular mealsSLEEPING HABITS 수면 습관6 Around what time do you usually go to bed7 How many hours a day do you usually sleep8 Can you normally sleep well just about anywhere9 Do even the slightest sounds easily wake you up10 What do you normally do when you can t sleepYOUR SCHOOL DAYS 학창 시절11 What kind of student did you want to be12 Which school subject did you like the most13 Was there a school subject that you particularly hated14 Were you a student who went to a lot of private institutes15 Have you ever liked a teacher romanticallyYOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT WORK 직업관16 Have you ever transferred jobs17 Are you doing work that is related to your major18 Have you ever had trouble with your boss at work19 Was there a profession that your parents expected you to have20 If you could choose one out of all the jobs in the world what would you want to chooseYOUR TASTE IN DRAMA 드라마 취향21 Where do you normally watch dramas22 Is there a particular drama genre that you prefer23 What is the title of the drama that you ve enjoyed the most24 Do you mainly watch Korean dramas or foreign dramas25 Have you ever gone home early on purpose in order to watch a dramaYOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT DATING 연애관26 If you like someone are you usually the one who approaches him her first27 When you date someone do you usually see him her with marriage in mind28 When you date someone what kind of problems mainly cause trouble29 Do you tend to or did you use to go on a lot of blind dates or group blind dates30 Do you usually date someone who you like or someone who likes youCELEBRITIES 연예인 / 유명인31 Have you ever joined a fan club32 Is there a celebrity with whom you are personally close33 Have you ever thought you wanted to become a celebrity34 Who was the first celebrity you ve seen in person35 Is there a celebrity who you would want to meet and talk to in personPERSONALITIES 성격36 Do you believe that someone's personality can change37 Do you often hear that you have a good personality38 Between your parents whose personality do you take after more39 Was there a moment when your personality changed a lot40 Do you usually hang out with people who have a similar personality to yoursSPENDING HABITS 소비 습관41 On which item do you spend the most money42 Until when did you live off an allowance from your parents43 Have you ever heard people around you say you are a penny pincher44 Do you tend to spend money on other people rather than yourself45 What is the first item you could spend less on if you needed to cut down on spendingOBSESSION, ADDICTION, COMPULSION 집착 / 중독 / 강박46 Have you ever been obsessed with anyone47 Do you think you are a perfectionist48 Are you the type of person who hates losing to someone49 How long can you focus on one thing50 Have you ever overcome an addiction on your own