Struck aby lightning, resurrected, cut open, and stuffed full of arcanedocuments, the Divinity Student is sent to the desert city of San Veneficioto reconstruct the Lost Catalog of Unknown Words. He learns to pick thebrains of corpses and gradually sacrifices his sanity on the altar of adubious mission of espionage. Without ever understanding his own reasons, hemoves toward destruction with steely determination. Eventually he findhimself reduced to a walker between worlds - a creature neither of flesh norspirit, stuffed with paper and preserved with formaldehyde - a zombie of hisown devising. The line twixt clairvoyance and madness is thinner than arazor blade.In 1999, The Divinity Student captured the attention of fans of dark fantasyeverywhere, eventually winning the International Horror Guild Award for bestfirst novel. Now, The Divinity Student has been paired with its sequel, TheGolem, for a must-have book - The San Veneficio Canon. Michael Cisco hascreated a city and a character that will live in the reader's imaginationlong after this book has been read...