Książki Routledge

Bazarek to interaktywna platforma gdzie z łatwością odnajdziesz 5 (stron: 1) ofert w kategorii Książki Routledge. Koniecznie zwróć uwagę na produkty opatrzone etykietką promocyjną

Routledge Art therapy, trauma, and neuroscience Routledge
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Art therapy, trauma, and neuroscience Routledge

308,57 zł
Art Therapy, Trauma, and Neuroscience combines theory, research, and practice with traumatized populations in a neuroscience framework....
Routledge Christian education in the virtues Routledge
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Christian education in the virtues Routledge

256,65 zł
Routledge Routledge Philosophy of science
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Routledge Philosophy of science

297,34 zł
Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods and justification of science will value the third edition of this...
Routledge Managing Sustainable Tourism,44
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Managing Sustainable Tourism,44

388,93 zł
Managing Sustainable Tourism tackles the tough issues of tourism such as negative environmental impact and cultural degradation, and provides...
Przecena 16%
ROUTLEDGE Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation,61

Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation,61

374,25 zł 313,07 zł Rabat 16%
World-class rehabilitation of the injured athlete integrates best practice in sports medicine and physical therapy with training and conditioning...