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Pen & Sword Books Masters of warfare Pen & sword books
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Masters of warfare Pen & sword books

117,17 zł
In Masters of Warfare, Eric G. L. Pinzelli presents a selection of fifty commanders whose military achievements, skill or historical impact...
Pen & Sword Books Italian heavy cruisers Pen & sword books
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Italian heavy cruisers Pen & sword books

186,52 zł
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198,60 zł
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Rhodesian War
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Rhodesian War

104,88 zł
Re-published to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration Unilateral Independence (UDI) which marked the start of hostilities...
Pen & Sword Books Celtic Warfare
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Celtic Warfare

117,17 zł
Warfare was a crucial aspect of Celtic society, deeply linked to the spreading of their culture through all Europe. Between the fifth century...
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Pen & sword books Hitler's secret commandos
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Pen & sword books Hitler's secret commandos

136,66 zł
This text tells the history of the K-Verband naval commando unit, established in 1943 to reek havoc amongst invading allied forces involved...
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Battle of Kursk 1943
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Battle of Kursk 1943

104,88 zł
The greatest tank battle in world history, known as Operation CITADEL, opened during the early hours of 5 July 1943, and its outcome was...
Pen & Sword Books Army of the early roman empire 30 bc-ad 180 Pen & sword books
The legionary soldier of the early Empire period, with his distinctive segmented armor, is one of the images most closely associated żeby...
Pen & Sword Books The Battle for Norway, 1940-1942
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The Battle for Norway, 1940-1942

61,73 zł
The first full collection of dispatch reports, giving new insight into the Battle of Narvik.Dispatches in this volume include that on the...
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Pen & sword books Anti-aircraft artillery in combat, 1950-1972
Anti-aircraft artillery was extensively used in combat in the First World War, though such weapons had made their debut in the Franco-Prussian...
PEN & SWORD BOOKS German night fighters versus bomber comm Pen & sword books
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Pen & sword books Fighting flotilla
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Pen & sword books Fighting flotilla

164,18 zł
The Laforays were the largest, most powerfully armed and successful ships of this type to see frontline action with the Royal Navy in WWII....
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Medieval Maritime Warfare
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Medieval Maritime Warfare

144,48 zł
Following the fall of Rome, the sea is increasingly the stage upon which the human struggle of western civilization is played out. In a...
PEN & SWORD BOOKS Weapons, warriors and battles of ancient iberia Pen & sword books
The ancient peoples of the Iberian Peninsula were renowned as fierce and skilful warriors (it took the Romans two centuries to conquer them.)...