Książki Gollancz

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GOLLANCZ Great Dune Trilogy,06
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Great Dune Trilogy,06

110,60 zł
Three of the greatest SF novels in the world in one bumper omnibus $109An astonishing science fiction phenomenon$110 WASHINGTON POST Herbert$111s...
GOLLANCZ The Dispossessed,25
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The Dispossessed,25

46,42 zł
The Principle of Simultaneity is a scientific breakthrough which will revolutionize interstellar civilization żeby making possible instantaneous...
GOLLANCZ Green Mile,40
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Green Mile,40

38,01 zł
The Green Mile: those who walk it do not return, because at the end of that walk is the room in which sits Cold Mountain penitentiary's...
Gollancz The last wish Gollancz
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The last wish Gollancz

46,42 zł
Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series...
GOLLANCZ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,84
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,84

46,42 zł
Philip K. Dick's classic SF novel, which was adapted as the film BLADE RUNNER.World War Terminus had left the Earth devastated. Through...
GOLLANCZ Sirens of titan Gollancz
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Sirens of titan Gollancz

46,42 zł
When Winston Niles Rumfoord flies his spaceship into a chrono-synclastic infundibulum he is converted into pure energy and only materializes...
Gollancz Gollancz The three stigmata of palmer eldritch
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Gollancz The three stigmata of palmer eldritch

52,81 zł
In the overcrowded world and cramped space colonies of the late 21st century, tedium can be endured through the use of the drug Can-D, which...